Monday, April 26, 2010

A Cheaper Swiffer

I have one of those old "Swiffer" mops that I use too often. What can I say ... I'm weak! They are just so quick to rid up your floors. The only problem is the wipes you buy are expensive (even the generics), they aren't exactly environmentally friendly and I personally don't like the smell.

I had heard about doing something like this and finally tried it. Love it! I bought a bunch of really bright washcloths for (I think) $4.00. I bought them bright because I don't want to use the same washcloth on my face as on my floor. To use, you just put some water on them, I put a little splash of Pine Sol and attach them to the Swiffer mop the way you would the Swiffer sheet. They don't stay in quite as well as the Swiffer sheets, so you could use an office or some other type of clip at the top to keep the fabric together if it was really bothering you. To do my kitchen I go through about four washcloths and then just toss them in the laundry.

So happy I found this way of mopping. Much cheaper! Also, I like to actually use some water on my floor.

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