Wednesday, December 29, 2010

After Christmas Perfume Shopping

If you're a perfume gal, I noticed Target and Walgreens blowing out those Christmas perfume gift sets. You can get some of the different stars perfumes like Faith Hill, Halle Berry and Beyonce (not sure I spelled their names correctly!?) and oldies but goodies like CK one, Eternity for Men, and Obsession for a fraction of their normal cost.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

After Christmas Shopping

I haven't written for a long time, we bought a house and between that and the holidays, I've been a busy gal.

Had some time though for some after Christmas shopping yesterday. Besides getting all the Christmas decorations, etc. for cheap, one of the things I like to buy is wrapping paper that doesn't look overly "Christmas-y" so I can use it for gift wrapping during the year. You can also get tissue paper at great prices. Yesterday Target had bulk white tissue paper half off.