Wednesday, December 29, 2010

After Christmas Perfume Shopping

If you're a perfume gal, I noticed Target and Walgreens blowing out those Christmas perfume gift sets. You can get some of the different stars perfumes like Faith Hill, Halle Berry and Beyonce (not sure I spelled their names correctly!?) and oldies but goodies like CK one, Eternity for Men, and Obsession for a fraction of their normal cost.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

After Christmas Shopping

I haven't written for a long time, we bought a house and between that and the holidays, I've been a busy gal.

Had some time though for some after Christmas shopping yesterday. Besides getting all the Christmas decorations, etc. for cheap, one of the things I like to buy is wrapping paper that doesn't look overly "Christmas-y" so I can use it for gift wrapping during the year. You can also get tissue paper at great prices. Yesterday Target had bulk white tissue paper half off.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Links to a couple old posts.

Here are links to a couple old posts that are appropriate for this time of year. The first is about Halloween candy, the second a quote on gratitude.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Beach, Soccer, Etc. Bag

Bought a great "mommy" bag recently at LL Bean. I chose the extra-large bag and it is REALLY, REALLY big. I use it for soccer balls, at the beach, etc. I thought it was a decent price for how large it is and LL Bean is featuring free shipping through December 20th.

Here's the link if you're interested.

Outdoor Furniture

This post might be a little late to help this year, but just wanted to remind everyone that outdoor furniture is often highly discounted from the end of summer to early fall. I really love the bench above. I saw it at Lowe's for $300.00 last spring. I waited and recently paid $50.00. There were also some fun retro chairs normally $40 that we picked up for $10. I've found outdoor furniture will often go down to 75% off or more this time of year.

Artisan Bread

A friend gave me this recipe and I was so glad. This bread tastes just like you're at a fancy restaurant and it couldn't use more basic ingredients. You REALLY, REALLY should try it. You will impress yourself!

Here's the link to the video on how to do it. Mark Bittman, who I really like, introduces this bread from a NY bakery to us. Here are the instructions written out.

They tell you to do this fold thing, but I didn't and it turned out fine. Also, at the end when you brown the bread, make sure you watch it because I needed to take mine out early.

Friday, October 1, 2010

A List of Inexpensive, Healthy Foods

In my quest to find cheap, healthy, quick food my children will actually eat, I've started a list of healthy, inexpensive foods. Thought I'd share. If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know!



beans-lentils, black, pinto, white, garbanzo (cook yourself and freeze with a little liquid)


brown rice (takes about 45 min. to cook, so make in bulk and freeze-then just "nuke")

canned tuna

chicken on sale, freeze

corn tortillas

eggs-even organic are still a good deal for a protein

frozen veggies

fruits & veggies in season

homemade bread, tortillas & pizza

hummus (cook own garbanzo beans-about 2 cups of beans equals 1 can)

jar of spaghetti sauce, use coupons

low fat milk


oatmeal cookies

popcorn for snack (buy popcorn and pop yourself on stove or air pop)

potatoes-baked w/ skin



whole grain pasta

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Homemade Tortillas

The next few posts I do will probably involve food. I've been thinking a lot lately about how to reduce our food bill. Here's one recipe that's dirt cheap. Homemade Tortillas. I grew up on Mexican food and to me it's comfort food. These tortillas are a healthier version of the ones we all know and love that unfortunately contain lard or shortening.

3 cups flour*
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/3 cup canola oil
1 cup warm water

Blend dry ingredients.

"Rub" in oil with your fingers until fine crumbs appear.

Add water with a spoon or fork ... really does need to be warm water. Then knead dough until smooth (you can do it right in the bowl) about 2 minutes.

Cover the bowl with a bag, a slightly wet cloth or saran wrap. Let it sit ("rest") about half an hour. They cook up much better if you don't skip this step.

Divide dough into small balls. I use a melon baller to get them to a somewhat uniform size. Some people say to make them into the balls before letting the dough "rest." I do it either way ... whatever I have time for.

Roll out as thin as you can with a rolling pin. I've seen people do this with their hands, but I just can't make it work. I don't worry if my shape is off ... still taste's the same. Use a little dusting of flour if things are sticking.

Bake on a hot griddle until freckled, about 20/30 seconds on each side. I like to use a flat cast-iron pan. (We bought it at Walmart and LOVE it! In fact, my flat cast iron pan never leaves my stove top ... we really like pancakes and tortillas!)

I'm not sure how many servings this makes. It really depends on how large you make your tortillas. I like to make mine small.

*Note: I usually use half all-purpose white flour and half whole wheat or soft white wheat flour. The tortillas taste better and are easier to make if you use only white all-purpose flour. If you try to use all whole wheat flour they will taste like cardboard.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Cheap & Yummy Snack

This is what I do for dessert when I want my kids to eat something healthy and they want something more along the lines of ice cream. Sliced bananas and Hershey's syrup. Yummy and really inexpensive!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Free Online Books

I don't know much about this yet, but last night my husband found this page while looking for a book. We don't have a "Kindle" yet, but you can download the Kindle app on your computer and then download a ton of classic books for free. The bummer is you have to read them on your computer unless you buy a Kindle, etc. (Probably wouldn't be too bad with a laptop.) It also lists other places to get free online books. A person could become very well-read without having to buy one book. Worth looking into.

These Microfiber Cloths are Cheap & Really Work!

I found out about these microfiber cloths on a blog I can no longer find. They are great! I bought them a few months ago at Walmart for about $5.00 in the automotive area and have been meaning to write about them. I'm sure I'm a little slow on the uptake, but microfiber cloths clean so much better than the ones I normally use. Anyway, I have these really hard to clean blinds and used one of these on them recently and couldn't believe what a good job they do. They also don't use as much cleanser, since you can almost clean with just water and the cloth. Highly recommend.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Uses for Christmas Tissue Paper!

Made these big tissue flowers with the kids the other day. I got tons of tissue paper at Christmas a couple years ago at 90% off if I'm remembering correctly. Anyway, I've used it in birthday gifts and now to make these huge flowers. I just love paper flowers. I think I'm going to save them and put them up for Christmas this year! :) I'm all out though, so I'll have to hit the after Christmas sales again!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Magazines for FREE!

Yesterday I went to the library looking for last months Consumer Reports. The librarian told me I could check it out. I had no idea you could checkout past issues of magazines. If you need a magazine fix and don't mind reading a month behind, you might want to check out your local library and see if they also check them out.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Target Rocks!

Hit Target yesterday for some "end-of-summer" shopping. Bought the kids swimsuits and sandles for future summers at dirt-cheap prices.

On my way in I spied flash cards for a dollar a pack. My kids are really interested in the "Space" and "Landmarks" cards ... actually, so am I! I highly recommend them.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Last night we took the kids to Ikea for dinner. (My kids LOVE Ikea ... I know, kind of different. I think it's left over from our stint in the Northwest. I used to let them run wild at Ikea when we reached about our 90th straight day of rain! Also, they are VERY family friendly. family restrooms, etc.)

Our Ikea was having a "kids-eat-free" promotion. The whole dinner for a family of five ... plus a big piece of cake to share for dessert was a little over $11.00. If you have one close, it's a great idea if you're on a budget and don't feel like cooking one night. I noticed they have various nights where they run specials ... again, worth a check if you live close to one.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

An Update on Do-It-Yourself Laundry Soap

A while ago I did a post on how to make laundry soap. We recently bought a front-loader machine. (Love the state rebates ... got $275 back in rebates and Lowes had already marked it down 10%.)

Anyway, the grated soap, Fels-Naptha, in the recipe I was using wasn't dissolving in the new washer. I switched to Ivory soap and all is well. Works fine. (The Fels-Naptha bar is 5 1/2 oz, so I eyeballed how much Ivory would equal that, about 1 1/2 bars of the size Ivory I was using.)

Sew a Makeup Brush Holder

Another plug to learn to sew a little. This is in no way a fabulously executed craft; I just wanted to show a project you can do with very little time, money and effort.

One day I realized I could get ready faster if I had all my makeup brushes in the same order I put the makeup on. As a mom, I get interrupted about 15 times while putting on my makeup and always lose track of where I am. It ends up taking far longer than it needs to.

Anyway, I grabbed a bandanna I bought at Walmart for about 90 cents and just kind of threw this together in about 5 minutes -- no right or wrong way to do it. Nothing lines up well ... a really bad example of quality sewing, but it serves my need and I didn't have to think about it much, spend much and best of all, it really helps me get ready quicker .... when I actually put makeup on!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Back to School Supplies

It's back to school time! Even if you don't have children, it's a GREAT time to buy your household office supplies.

I bought 12 rolls of scotch tape and other supplies to hopefully last until this time next year when the deals hit again. I go through a lot of tape during the holidays and I'm hoping this will last. You can also get index cards, glue, highlighter pens, etc. for next to nothing. Spiral note books are 15 cents each at most stores!

Walmart and Target usually have really great prices and surprisingly, our local grocery store also had the dirt cheap pricing.

Interesting Quote

Here's an interesting quote I read today. At first, I thought ... "Well that's not me! I like things to look nice because I like them that way." Then I realized I could see myself in this quote ... at least somewhat. I've heard it before, but nice to ponder again. Not sure who said it.

"We spend money we don't have
on things we don't need
to create impressions that won't last
on people we don't care about."

Thursday, July 1, 2010

All Purpose Cleaner I've Been Using

Here's a recipe for the cleaner I've been using lately. I wanted something cheap and a little greener than what I've been using. I think this fits the bill. I found this recipe in many places on the internet. You can use it on glass and quickly wipe up counters and toilets. It smells like vinegar at first, but then the smell goes away. You can buy vinegar in huge bottles and then buy a 99 cent water bottle at Walmart, a cheap plastic funnel and you're in business!

All-Purpose Cleaner (does glass!)
2 cups Water
1/4 cup White Vinegar
1/2 teaspoon Liquid Soap

*Ps-if you've used water and vinegar to do windows in the past and it hasn't worked, it's because of the residue left from your normal glass and window cleaner. By adding the 1/2 teaspoon liquid soap, it gets that residue off.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Cheap Videos

Got this stack of videos this past week. I'm sure you've noticed, but all the video stores seem to be going out of business. My sister got a lot of animated videos if you're looking for those. I purchased these for $2.00 or $3.00 each at the Hollywood Video down the street. It seems to me they clear out videos cheaper than the Blockbuster stores do. It's sad to see the employee's losing their jobs; I guess it's a business model time has passed. A good opportunity to get cheap videos though.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


A great way to save money is by using the somewhat lost art of sewing. I'm not great at sewing, but can sew a straight line. It can really save money, especially in decorating your house. Many of the things you need in your house (curtains, pillows, duvets) require very little more than knowing how your sewing machine works and how to sew a straight line. Also, if you want more designer-looking items, such as the super long curtains that go from ceiling to floor, you will either pay through the nose, or have to sew them yourself. (By-the-way, Ikea also has some good options for the long curtains.)

Here's an example of a quick project I did recently. This is a high-quality man's shirt I got for free. I took in the back to make it have a waist and shortened and tucked in the sleeves; a nice cover-up for summer. I highly recommend learning to sew (at least a little).

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Few Cheap Things to Do with the Kids This Summer!

Visit Local Landmarks
Visit Local Parks
Family Bike Rides
Craft with Grandma
Swim at the Local Pool
Swim Lessons at the Local Pool
Give Them Each a Squirt Bottle and Send Out Back
Make Popsicles
Make Fudgesicles
Make Ice Cream Sandwiches
Make Necklaces of Macaroni or Fruit Loops
Bake Bread-Each Child Makes Own Small Loaf
Color & Draw
Make Paper Airplanes
Movies-Harkins Does Really Cheap Ones Where I Live
Visit Relatives
Have Sleepovers with Cousins
Make Treasure Boxes
Go to the Zoo (Early in the Day if it's Hot)
Go to a Lake or River; Ocean if You're Lucky!
Head to the Mountains
Summer Reading Programs at Major Bookstores or Library
Library! Take Advantage of All the FREE Stuff!

A Couple Costco Favorites

My husband loves Costco, so we do a lot of our shopping there. Here are a couple of my favorites. Really good and fairly healthy. The pasta sauce tastes really good with parmesan and the soup I use as a base and add rice and veggies.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cheap, Quick Cookies

I made these cookies the other night when I needed a treat to take somewhere but was pressed for time. I always try to keep a couple bags of these for just such emergencies. The Betty Crocker Oatmeal Chocolate Chip are my favorite. They really do taste (almost) homemade. When I remember, I add extra Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Chips (Can get a big bag of Ghirardelli chips at Sam's Club). They have coupons for these cookies all the time. I rarely pay over a dollar for the bag of cookie mix. Yummy and fast! (Overcooked these cookies a bit!)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

TV Dinners

I need my life to be easier ... and I need to lose some weight! Here's an easy solution. I made up a bunch of healthy and cheap TV Dinners. I put cooked beans and brown rice in half (my favorite) and cooked chicken and rice in the other half. You need to lay them somewhat flat while freezing. I put them in baggies and then use kitchen scissors to cut them open. Then I put the ice clump of food covered in the microwave for a couple minutes. Great when you are hungry and tempted to eat something you shouldn't and need food fast! Obviously you can do this with all sorts of food. When I was single and poor I used to do this for my lunches to take to work. I'd take frozen taco meat and a tortilla, potato soup, etc.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dumpster Diving!

I'm always amazed at what great things you can get if you're not proud about it. I found this leather couch and a chair sitting outside on the curb in our neighborhood for trash pickup. A serious shame if the owners were really intending them to go to the dump. I assume they expected someone to pick them up. Anyway, I asked the neighbor next door if the people getting rid of the couch and chair were fairly clean, she said yes, so I loaded them into the truck. I know some college students who needed something to sit on and after cleaning and sanitizing the furniture, (a plus you can do with leather) they now have free furniture to get them through school.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Love these Glad Bags

I love these Glad bags! My mother-in-law told me about them. They are much cheaper per bag than a gallon-sized ziplock bag. They are good for bagging a smaller loaf of bread, a bunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a picnic, etc. I got mine at Walmart.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Abundant Life!

Yummy tomatoes, fresh basil ... it just feels so abundant to watch your little fruits and veggies grow in your own garden. Over the past couple years I've started dabbling in gardening. I don't really know what I'm doing, but am slowly learning a thing here or there. At first the whole project wasn't a huge savings on food because I bought pots (I'm doing container gardening), soil and seeds. It was still rewarding and just so fun. Now it's getting cheaper. I just need fertilizer (which I plan to eventually get from composting) and seeds or small plants you can buy at the nursery. I would like to encourage everyone to at least get a tomato plant in a pot this summer. It just feels good to watch something grow!

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Cheaper Swiffer

I have one of those old "Swiffer" mops that I use too often. What can I say ... I'm weak! They are just so quick to rid up your floors. The only problem is the wipes you buy are expensive (even the generics), they aren't exactly environmentally friendly and I personally don't like the smell.

I had heard about doing something like this and finally tried it. Love it! I bought a bunch of really bright washcloths for (I think) $4.00. I bought them bright because I don't want to use the same washcloth on my face as on my floor. To use, you just put some water on them, I put a little splash of Pine Sol and attach them to the Swiffer mop the way you would the Swiffer sheet. They don't stay in quite as well as the Swiffer sheets, so you could use an office or some other type of clip at the top to keep the fabric together if it was really bothering you. To do my kitchen I go through about four washcloths and then just toss them in the laundry.

So happy I found this way of mopping. Much cheaper! Also, I like to actually use some water on my floor.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dollar Store / Fresh & Easy

Went shopping today at the dollar store and a small grocery store called Fresh & Easy.

First the dollar store. Even though I'm a bargain shopper, until the past year I've pretty much stayed away from dollar stores. I had the impression everything in them is of poor quality. I recently changed my mind ... a little. While I still think most of the "stuff" is pretty cheap, I've found one by us that actually has some decent things to purchase from time-to-time.

Today I bought music CD 's for my "gift-stash." They are those "relaxation" type CD's. I had bought one for myself and liked it so much I went back to buy more for gifts. I've also bought gift bags there at a really good price. Our store has a school supplies section for teachers I love ... work books, flash cards, ABC & math posters. I've bought some fun books for myself. I buy cheap toys as a reward for finishing homework on time.

Next store was Fresh & Easy. If you have a chance to visit one, you should. They are small grocery stores I thought would be expensive, but are reasonable. They are in the southwest and great for a fast stop. You can get in and out very quickly. All of their house-brand products I've tried have been decent to really good. If you're in a hurry for lunch, you can pick up a good salad for $3.99. I can also find specialty-type products I can't find at my local grocery store, such as light cheeses, etc. ... for a reasonable price. Here's some of the things I like to buy there (all house-brand):

Milk $1.99
Honey Pretzels $1.59
Canned Beans (various prices, cheaper than my large grocery store)
Pizza Dough $1.29 (I like to make my own, but in a pinch it works.)
Pizza Sauce (Can't remember price, I think a little over $1.00)
Tofu $.99 (I think?)
Pita's (6) $1.58

Friday, March 26, 2010

Listen to Free Music Online

Another great tip from today's Tiphero newsletter:

I might be a little slow discovering this, but there are various sites where you can listen to free music on your computer. I tried Grooveshark today and really enjoyed listening to the playlist I made.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Use Those Coupons!

An example of how coupons can really be helpful. There is this moisturizer with spf 50 I've been wanting to try, but it's really small and costs about $24.00. Eeek! I found it on sale for $18.00, had a $3.00 coupon from the vendor and a $5.00 coupon from the store, so I got it for $10.00. If there is something you really want, if you're patient, I've found there is usually a way to get it for less.

Garage Sales

Here's my fancy new (to me!) TV I got at a garage sale. I like to keep a small TV in my bedroom and the kids had broken my last one, so bought this one for $15.00 at a garage sale to go with my $4.99 VCR I bought at a thrift store recently ... what a bargain! ... Of course, with the new conversion to digital, you need to get cable (we buy basic for a minimal fee) or have a converter box to use these older tv's.

I also picked up a kid's bike for $15.00 at a different garage sale (quite the hit!) and a couple pair of really cute shoes for $2.00 each.

A word of advise about garage sales ... you really have to be choosy or you end up bringing home things you don't need that take up too much room. We've had a number of sales around here recently and I've made myself pass on a lot of "maybe" purchases.

ps-Not advertising for "The View," it just happened to be on!

I love a clay mask!

Nice picture huh? One of my favorite cheap beauty things is a clay mask. When I'm taking care of myself well, I try to do a mask once a week. I use whatever mask I find at the drug store (nothing special) and one tube lasts me forever. They usually are green or blue and really make your pores look better. I usually do the mask on a weekend morning before makeup, leave it on until dry, then wash off with warm water. I follow with some sort of exfoliation and a wash with my normal cleanser. Today I used brown sugar and olive oil to exfoliate. If you do this, I wouldn't rub the sugar too hard and the oil was a little heavy on my face, so definitely felt I needed to use cleanser after. Here's another cheap way to exfoliate.

Monday, March 8, 2010

A "Special Days" Calendar

Today at Walmart I ran into four racks of $1.00 clothing. They do this from time-to-time. Just the night before I had checked my list of "Special Days" to see which birthday's were coming up. I was able to get one niece 5 clothing items and another 3 items.

It really saves to keep in mind birthdays/events that are coming up in the next few months so you can try to get gifts on sale. Here's a link to a post I did on having a gift stash.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Simplifying our Wants

I was sitting in church today and started thinking of how abundant (and easier) our lives become when we simplify our wants and then feel gratitude for what we do have.

I just ran into this quote that kind of sums up what I was thinking:

"With a few flowers in my garden, half a dozen pictures and some books, I live without envy."

-Lope de Vega

I Love Thrift Stores!

This is just a reminder to all of us about how great thrift stores are. One of my friends has told me I can live better on little money than about anyone she knows. Besides having free flights a majority of my adult life (sis & hubbie worked for airlines) ... thrift stores have been the other great resource to help me live "The Good Life ... on Less."

I've bought clothes, furniture, dishes, books, toys, baby clothes, movies, a lawn mower, you-name-it at thrift stores. Where I live, many of the stores have 50% off days. Three or four years ago I spotted a whole set of really nice Mikasa dishes. There were 10 big plates, 10 small plates, 10 bowls for $26.00. Being incredibly cheap ... I mean thrifty ... I chanced it and waited a couple days until 50% off day and got the whole set for $13.00. I just checked the Mikasa website and one dinner plate is selling for $16.99.

Yesterday I stopped off at a thrift store while running errands. I bought a movie I love, the book Anna Karenina and a VCR. I just have basic cable ... no fancy way to tape, no Tivo, etc. About a year ago my VCR broke and so I haven't been able to tape shows ... generally not a big deal since you can just go and view most television shows on your computer now, but on occasion I can't find a show online and want to tape it. My husband is horrified that I bought such an archaic machine, but I found one in good shape for $4.99. It was half-off since it had been sitting on the shelf so long. Apparently my husband is not the only one who thinks they are archaic. But it does the job for me, so I was tickled pink.

I don't have a thrift store very close to my house these days, but in the future I'm going to try and remember what a great resource they are!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shower Caps!

Ok, this one isn't a money-saver but a time-saver ... time is money ... right? I recently bought a shower cap on a whim. Unfortunately mine isn't as rockin' as this one, but I LOVE it! "Pre-children" I used to wash my hair every other day. Now, I honestly only wash it about every four days (I know, gross). Anyway, with this lovely shower cap you can pretty much keep your hairstyle lookin' good (especially if you have frizzy/curly hair like me) until your next wash.

My mother used one of these and she was one of the most "put-together" women I've ever met ... and with minimal effort. It's taken me umpteen years, but I'm finally realizing what a genius she was!

Another "help" I've tried is to sleep on a silky pillow case. Really helps keep the hairstyle smooth the next day.

Another Great Link from Tiphero!

I highly recommend getting the weekly newsletter from Tiphero if you're serious about saving money. They had a link to this article today. It's about a gal trying to feed her large fiance for a week on $25.00. I have eaten on less many weeks of my life and it's a real challenge ... especially if you're trying to eat healthy (healthful?) foods. I thought her findings were interesting.

Monday, February 15, 2010


I discovered a new gem of a park today. It's just 3 miles from our house, has these really great long trails, bathrooms and drinking fountains. Best of all, walking really lifts my spirits and is completely free! Here's to walking!

"Thoughts come clearly while one walks." ~Thomas Mann

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." ~John Muir

"The best remedy for a short temper is a long walk." ~Jacqueline Schiff

"We live in a fast-paced society. Walking slows us down." ~Robert Sweetgall

"Me thinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow." ~Henry David Thoreau

"I have two doctors, my left leg and my right." ~G.M. Trevelyan

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Casserole Basics

I just got my weekly newsletter from TipHero. I've been wanting to come up with a few go-to casserole recipes. For a good review on "Casserole Basics" click here.

Really Good Corn Bread

Cornbread can really stretch a meal. Mark Bittman, a well-known cookbook author and NY Times columnist says of cornbread, "This is one of the most important recipes I know. With the possible exception of brownies, there is no other baked good that packs so much flavor, and can be used in so many situations, with so little work."

After some searching, I found this recipe. It's based on the recipe from the Alber's Cornmeal box called "Sweet Corn Muffins." A friend of mine tweeked the amounts of flour and cornmeal in the recipe on the box and I like it this way much better. Enjoy!

Sweet Corn Bread
1 cup all-purpose flour
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1 cup white or yellow corn meal
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 1/4 cups milk
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1/3 cup vegetable oil
3 Tbsp. butter or margarine, melted

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 8-inch square baking pan.

Combine flour, sugar, corn meal, baking powder and salt in medium bowl. Combine milk, eggs, vegetable oil and butter in small bowl; mix well. Add to flour mixture; stir just until blended. Pour into pan.

Bake for 35 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Serve warm.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Put Your Own Art on Canvas

My sister found a place that is very reasonable for putting photographs on canvas. They did a few pictures for her last year and a small one for me. They all turned out quite well, especially for the price.

There is an aged picture of a local building I've wanted for a really long time. At a gallery I saw it for $800. They said they would sell it to me for $400. I still couldn't stomach the price and really couldn't imagine what my husband would say about it. I ended up taking a picture of the building myself, aging the black and white photo in Photoshop and sending it to ZaZa Gallery. They were having a sale at the time and I got the photo on a 16x20 canvas (a little smaller than the one at the gallery) for $55.00 + $15.00 shipping. I then put it in a frame I purchased on sale at Michael's for $15.00. Total price $85.00 for a piece of art I will really enjoy.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cheap Laundry Soap

I've had this laundry soap recipe forever, but just started using it a month or two ago. It's so cheap and easy to make, I wish I wouldn't have waited. I'm not sure how it is on clothes long-term, but so-far, so-good ... seems to work pretty well! I got the recipe at

Laundry Soap
1 bar Felds-Naptha Bar Soap (grated)
1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda

Mix together, store in container with a lid. Use 1 to 3 Tablespoons per load of laundry. I have been using 1 1/2 Tablespoons per load.

ps-It takes a while to grate the soap, so turn on a good show and grate away!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Simple and Cheap Face Scrub

I've been trying to go "green" lately with my lotions and potions; trying not to put so many toxic things on my skin. Here's an inexpensive facial scrub I used yesterday. It wasn't quite as good as the micro-dermabrasion product I have in my cupboard, but it did a decent job, is MUCH cheaper and I'm sure much less toxic.

It's really simple. Put a squirt of your normal face cleanser in your palm, then add about a teaspoon of baking soda. Make a paste of it and rub it on your face to exfoliate. Follow with moisturizer.

For an inexpensive hand scrub click here.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Biscuits & Gravy Like Grandma Used to Make - Cheap ... cheap ... cheap!

Happy New Year everyone! I am trying to get organized for the New Year and have been going through some of my recipes, so I thought I'd share ... this one is not great for diet resolutions, but is really economical and reminds me of my sweet grandma!

I thought my grandmother was the best cook ever! She was mother to 11 and I can't even count the number of grandchildren. When I used to visit, she would often whip up gravy (a white sauce) and serve it over white bread. I wished my mom would cook like that. I thought it was such a treat. Only recently did it occur to me that bread and gravy was an inexpensive way to feed a lot of people. She also served lots of pinto beans ... I'll share a "toot-less" bean recipe another time.

Biscuits & Gravy

Whole Wheat Biscuits-All

1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1 cup milk

In a medium bowl, combine flours, baking powder, sugar, and salt; mix well. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in milk just until moistened. I just drop big spoonfuls of the dough directly onto an ungreased baking sheet for a "drop-biscuit." Bake at 450 degrees F for 10 to 12 minutes or until lightly browned. Serve warm.

White Sauce (Like Grandma used to make!)

Thin White Sauce:
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon flour
¼ teaspoon salt
1 cup milk

Medium White Sauce:
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
¼ teaspoon salt
1 cup milk

In saucepan melt butter. Stir in flour, salt and a dash of pepper. Add milk all at once. Cook and stir over medium heat until thickened and bubbly. Cook and stir 2 minutes more.