Friday, November 6, 2009

Homemade Sweetened Condensed Milk

Found this recipe at a day too late! (By-the-way, Tip Hero is a great website to find money saving ideas.) I was making pumpkin pies with my left over pumpkin puree and all I needed was Sweetened Condensed Milk. I hate running to the store for one item. If I had this recipe it could have saved me the trip and also some money! Haven't tried it yet, but looks like it should work fine. If anyone tries it before I do, let me know how it worked for you! Happy Holiday baking!

Homemade Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 cup dry powdered milk
1/3 cup warm water
2/3 cup sugar
3 TBS melted butter

Mix together in a blender until smooth. Refrigerate. Makes 1 1/4 cups or one can of homemade Eagle milk.


Lisa said...

I'm the culprit who submitted the homemade version of "Eagle" milk. I hope you'll give it a try. It's really indistinguishable from the original. Also, I'm pleased to have found your blog and have added it to my favorites list.

The Good Life on Less! said...

Lisa, so glad to have your recipe! I'm trying it next pumpkin pie I make ... which should be soon!