Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cheap Laundry Soap

I've had this laundry soap recipe forever, but just started using it a month or two ago. It's so cheap and easy to make, I wish I wouldn't have waited. I'm not sure how it is on clothes long-term, but so-far, so-good ... seems to work pretty well! I got the recipe at

Laundry Soap
1 bar Felds-Naptha Bar Soap (grated)
1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda

Mix together, store in container with a lid. Use 1 to 3 Tablespoons per load of laundry. I have been using 1 1/2 Tablespoons per load.

ps-It takes a while to grate the soap, so turn on a good show and grate away!


Rhonda said...

Hey Staci...I've been intruiged(sp?) by homemade laundry soap for awhile but am not sure how it would work in a front load washer that is only supposed to take HP soap. Do you know anything about this?

Rhonda said...

Oops, meant to say "HE" high efficiency.

The Good Life on Less! said...

I'm not sure. We have an old washer, but I looked it up and found someone making the same kind of soap and he says it works in a HE washer. Here's the link:

He says the reason you want a HE soap is you don't want too many bubbles. This soap doesn't really have many bubbles at all, so I'm guessing it would be great for that sort of washer.

Carol F. said...

I love this laundry detergent--it smells The Best! I'm using it right now.