Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shower Caps!

Ok, this one isn't a money-saver but a time-saver ... time is money ... right? I recently bought a shower cap on a whim. Unfortunately mine isn't as rockin' as this one, but I LOVE it! "Pre-children" I used to wash my hair every other day. Now, I honestly only wash it about every four days (I know, gross). Anyway, with this lovely shower cap you can pretty much keep your hairstyle lookin' good (especially if you have frizzy/curly hair like me) until your next wash.

My mother used one of these and she was one of the most "put-together" women I've ever met ... and with minimal effort. It's taken me umpteen years, but I'm finally realizing what a genius she was!

Another "help" I've tried is to sleep on a silky pillow case. Really helps keep the hairstyle smooth the next day.

1 comment:

Sherri said...

That is so funny... I love SHOWER CAPS! I actually have to wear two at once (my big fro) I started wearing them years ago while I was working a lot of a.m. trips (hotels used to put them in the rooms). NO way I was going to have time to do my hair at 4:00 in the morning. I was lucky to get my makeup on. As a matter of fact I like shower caps so much I thought at one time of designing more stylish shower caps (if that is possible). Just goes to show you that if you wait too long someone else will come up with your idea.

Another good use for shower caps: Put them on your shoes before you put them in your luggage. Imagine all the crap your shoes have on them.

Love the silk pillow case idea. I should really travel with one.