Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sew a Makeup Brush Holder

Another plug to learn to sew a little. This is in no way a fabulously executed craft; I just wanted to show a project you can do with very little time, money and effort.

One day I realized I could get ready faster if I had all my makeup brushes in the same order I put the makeup on. As a mom, I get interrupted about 15 times while putting on my makeup and always lose track of where I am. It ends up taking far longer than it needs to.

Anyway, I grabbed a bandanna I bought at Walmart for about 90 cents and just kind of threw this together in about 5 minutes -- no right or wrong way to do it. Nothing lines up well ... a really bad example of quality sewing, but it serves my need and I didn't have to think about it much, spend much and best of all, it really helps me get ready quicker .... when I actually put makeup on!

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